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Eric Schoones

Eric Schoones (1960) is a noted Dutch musicologist, pianist and writer.
Recently he completed WALKING UP THE MOUNTAIN TRACK, a book on the parallels between music making and the teachings of Zen Buddhism. The book, a result of more than two decades of research, was favorably received by leading musicians and critics. A Chinese translation is now in preparation.
A few comments:
MARIA JOÃO PIRES: ‘Eric understands the real sense of art. His approach has a direct connection to our universe and all the unknown’. CHRISTA LUDWIG: ‘A true milestone to awaken our consciousness’.
HÉLÈNE GRIMAUD: ‘A wonderful and precious book’. ALEXANDER GAVRYLYUK: ‘An eye-opening reminder of what is truly important. A real bible for any musician’. NELSON GOERNER: ‘A truly fantastic and fascinating book, full of deep insights. A warmest Bravo!’ STUART ISACOFF: ‘Enlightening. A must for any musicians bookshelf’.
MALCOLM SINGER, The Yehudi Menuhin School: ‘A must read for all those interested in the mysteries of top quality music-making’. BORIS BERMAN: ‘Very interesting and thought-provoking’. DAVID DUBAL: ‘A book that will be read many times. Here is a Zen journey which finds us in an unexpected cultural musical and pianistic garden of wonder’. Correlating the philosophies of legendary artists (like Dinu Lipatti, Sergiu Celibidache and Glenn Gould) and parallel understandings in Zen also brings a deeper understanding of what music is and what music can teach us in modern society. For Eric Schoones this coincides with his research into sustainability and circular economy on which he published five books. He continues to be active as a writer on this subject also.
Eric Schoones has been teaching piano for decades and recently he was invited to lecture and teach at the University of Chengdu in China. He also lectured at the Imola Piano Academy in the Netherlands.
He has published extensively on music over the last 35 years, contributing regularly to music magazines like International Piano and European Piano Teachers Association, and he is the editor-in-chief of PIANIST, a magazine published in seven countries in a German and a Dutch edition. PIANIST also publishes twice a year
The World of Piano Competitions, developed in close cooperation with the Alink-Argerich Foundation and Piano Street.
Eric Schoones is frequently invited on the jury of various competitions and has been a member of the press jury of The International Franz Liszt Competition in Utrecht for many years.
He also performs, notably together with Carina Vinke, a distinguished Dutch alto, focusing on repertoire by Mahler, Strauss and Wagner. His latest recording of piano music by Erik Satie has been favorably received.
In Sustainable Notes, a ‘lecture recital’ in theatrical form, Eric Schoones and Flemish jazz-singer Sofie Dhondt explain – from a musical perspective in a variety of styles (classical, musical, jazz and pop) – the principles of the new circular and inclusive economy, as well as the philosophical motivation for a more sustainable lifestyle.